5 Podcast Episodes | 6.24.16

5 Podcast Episodes | 6.24.16

Every week I curate a list of 5 great podcast episodes. Some are recent and some are archived. Some are practical ministry and others are downright interesting. Here is this weeks list.

5 Podcast Episodes for 6.24.16

The Lady Vanishes | Malcom Gladwell’s Revisionist History. (6.16.16)
This is a brand new show from esteemed author and futurist Malcom Gladwell. It explores what might have happened if history worked out differently.

Using Media in Preaching and Teaching with Brady Shearer | Art of the Sermon (6.2.16)
I am a big far of Art of the Sermon. This is an incredible conversation with a creative teacher and leader about the space of media inside of preaching.

7 Attitudes of Leaders Who Multiply Teams | UnSeminary
One of the tasks I always want to learn more about is inspiring and sending out new leaders. This is a great episode from Rich Birch

How To Never (ever) Forget an Important Idea Again | The Showrunner (6.15.16)
I am a champ at forgetting things. If you are a thought leader, creative or pastor…remembering is such an important tool.

Tim Ferriss on Podcasting, Productivity, Experimentation, and if He Had to Start Over | Smart Passive Income Podcast (5.24.14)
This is a serious archive post, but I love Pat Flynn and I love Tim Ferris. This is such a great episode and it makes us all think about intentional focus and living out our call.

Join us back next week for another list!


5 Podcasts Episodes | 6.17.16

5 Podcasts Episodes | 6.17.16

I consume a pretty large amount of podcast content. I’ve decided to share the best, most interesting or just recommended podcast episodes I listen to each week. Some of these are new episodes, some are ones I found digging in archives or shows I’ve just recently started listening to. As I talk to more and more people about podcasts, I realize they don’t often realize how large the library of shows is out there. So I’ve decided to share the 5 most interesting episodes I’ve listened to this week.

5 Podcast Episodes 6.17.16

How to Become Batman | Invisibilia (1.23.15)
This is an amazing story about people and how they put themselves in relationship to those around them and their surroundings.

Lane Jones and the Ups and Downs of Early North Point | Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast (6.7.16)
For anyone fascinated and interested with the ministry design of North Point in Atlanta, Ga (yes. THAT North Point), this is a must listen episode. There is history, lessons learned and insights into what made that church radically different 25 years ago.

Prom | This American Life (5.1.16,  6.1.08)
This was replayed in TAL’s feed this summer. It is a fantastic look at a great story AND the power of narrative storytelling.

5 Ways to Follow Up With New Volunteers (with Tyler Smith) | Pro Church Tools (6.7.2016)
Brady and his crew pump out AMAZING content for church leaders. Full disclosure…I listened to this episode 3 times. Great stuff.

The Unsolved Mystery of The Disappearance of the Sodder Children | Stuff You Should Know (5.19.16)
Ok. This story has been making the rounds of the history based podcasts (a genre I’m really into). When one of my favorite shows does an episode on it, I’ll give it a listen. This is a WILD story.

This week was all about the story shows and group conversations. These are some of my favorite types of podcasts. I’ve got some great training type stuff lined up for next week as well as more practical ministry shows. That will make next week’s list totally different.

What podcast episodes did you dig this week? Share them in the comments or tweet them to me at @revchadbrooks